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What Our Clients Say

Customer service was superb and delivery was fast. Great service, thank you
Quality batteries and good delivery from the seller
Seller was patient, positive and helpful and kept their word.
They deliver on time, when i had issues with the battery, they were so helpful till my battery was replaced with a new one...... So wonderful 👌👏👏👏
My battery failed near nakawa traffic lights, i called the number... in 15 minutes, the technivian arrived.. changed my battery and was back on road.. well done guys
Thanx alot for the services i must say, u have the best customer services everything was on point👌🏻
Very good service. Had a hiccup with the battery after some months and the warranty replaced it hustle-free. Moreover they came to where I was at no cost. Totally recommend.
great customer care i purchased a DIN88 for my benz .. it perfectly works one year warranty. this is a trusted dealer thank you
Great response marketing skills of Jackie at Venjoh kyaliwajala. I live in Buwate n was anxious to replace our car battery obviously ditching the ubl old type. Her response n guidance got me making an instant purchase. Amazed at how quick we closed the deal, I couldn't help but run here the express my gratitude. Jackie KEEP up the good work, kudos to Venjoh as well. 👍👍👍

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